It has been announced byJAST USA that the visual novel Yamizome Revenger will be released tomorrow, November 5th, for PC in the West through their online store.

Developed by Escu:de, same creator of the Re;Lord franchise, Yamizome Revenger is a game that mixes RPG and visual novel, and follows the story of a young man who is linked to a devil. During the day, his life is normal like any other, he goes to classes, goes out with his beautiful friends. However, at night, these same friends turn into magical girls who try to destroy the demon he's bonded with. Now he must use his new powers to fight and try to corrupt his friends.


During gameplay you'll be able to explore the city to find different characters, and also participate in battles against magical girls, in a classic RPG combat system. And to get to the adult scenes, you'll have to engage in combat, and of course, players will be able to use various skills to facilitate this process.


Yamizome Revenger will be available exclusively at the JAST store on November 5th

MarK #mark

Gamer, half otaku, I like to write and research interesting things.

I created the site in addition to liking more adult themes, I know they can be treated with quality!

Site Administrator, Brasil / Terra
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