And guys, this is our first post and nothing more certain than saying what we intend with the site.

Here at SpaceEro I intend to publish information, curiosities and fun things about animes, manga, games, cinemas, tv, and everything else I find interesting ... YES, it will be a little bit of everything, but with the difference of posting "everything", from normal to more spicy, and yes, it will have adult content, erotic things, news +18, etc ... things that in a "more normal" site would not be possible . So just to reinforce THIS SITE IS NOT FOR CHILDREN.

Knowing this, I must say that here we will not have downloads ... but we will have relevant information about works that you can look for on other sites, sometimes I can even indicate where to find something. I will always try to publish something cool for those who visit us, and keep the site always up to date.

I hope you like it, and soon I'll be publishing the first posts for real.

Keep these images to cheer up:



Source: Espacoero
MarK #mark

Gamer, half otaku, I like to write and research interesting things.

I created the site in addition to liking more adult themes, I know they can be treated with quality!

Site Administrator, Brasil / Terra