The MiHoyo team has announced that Genshin Impact will gain alternate versions of the characters' costumes in their Chinese version, but with little observation, it is clearly noted that this is a form of censorship because of new rules imposed by China on games published in the country. This is the first time the game has won alternative outfits that are not linked to a specific event.
It didn't take long for the first comparisons to appear:
It can be seen that the new outfits are less revealing in design than the originals, and even though the word "censorship" has not been mentioned, as the new outfits will replace the originals on Chinese servers, but in the rest of the world they are only optional, it's clear that it's a way of adapting to China's new rules, but it's also nothing unusual in the communist country that limits even the time players can have fun.
Gamer, half otaku, I like to write and research interesting things.
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