
It was released on DLSite,Student Council Leader Auriel, a game that puts you in the role of student council president trying to turn your partner into your sex slave, and you'll have to play everything to achieve your goals.

As student council president, Adam is an academic guy, serious and kind-faced...only on the outside. Inside, he is a sexually distorted individual. And now he's turning back the spotlight Auriel, one of the student council members, who happens to already have a boyfriend. In this game Adam will do whatever it takes to make her his personal pet... whatever it takes.

Adam (Student Council President)

A kind young man with excellent grades, the envy of the entire school. In reality, however, his heart is utterly black. He wants to kidnap Auriel and make her into his personal pet.

Auriel (Student Council Member)

A girl who has a boyfriend. Her school uniform hides a glamorous figure -- very poorly, at that. She can be a bit spacy, but she's into in flowers and sweets and is basically normal.

Student council leader Auriel an interesting system where you will have to interact with people at school to find out what to do, you can also participate in mini-games to earn money and speed up like things, but there is the risk of ending up losing everything. With the money earned you will be able to buy items that you will get to advance, these selected items will be used by Auriel to change their stats, but be careful not to push too hard.

Student Council Leader Auriel was released on November 8th, has been getting a good review in store. If by chance you are interested, you can see more details in the DLSite store.

MarK #mark

Gamer, half otaku, I like to write and research interesting things.

I created the site in addition to liking more adult themes, I know they can be treated with quality!

Site Administrator , Brasil / Terra